Today (Thursday 4 June) Healthy Air Cymru issued a joint statement, outlining their aims and vision for Wales post-Covid.
The coalition is an umbrella organisation, bringing together different organisations, from all sectors to collaborate and work together to campaign for a greener and healthier Wales.
The statement today aims to identify how we can use the opportunities presented by Covid-19 to reshape our society for the benefit of everyone – through the promotion of ‘healthy habits’ and shaping the ‘new normal’.
Joseph Carter, Chair of Healthy Air Cymru, said:
“Since lockdown, the air in Wales is cleaner and healthier than before. As restrictions are eased, making sure people can breathe clean air must be an essential part of a green and just recovery plan for Wales.
“To keep us healthy and safe, and to protect the planet, we need a Clean Air Act for Wales as soon as possible, along with large scale investment in active travel.
“We can’t risk going back to the poor air quality we had before COVID-19.
“Being able to access green spaces and nature close to home should be a basic right in Wales. It’s vital we protect our green spaces for our mental health and to ensure everyone can exercise safely.
“High quality public transport that meets the needs of people and communities is an essential part of helping us all to drive less for everyday journeys. People must be given safe alternatives to using the private car and feel confident and able to trust in public transport going forward.
“It’s vital that everyone has the space to move around our towns and cities, and that walking and cycling are seen as a realistic option. Walking and cycling are the best ways to allow people to travel sustainably, which is good for our health, our air, and the environment.
“The changes we have seen to everyday life has led to people developing healthy habits that have cleaned our air, lowered our emissions, and kept people safe. There is a new normal unfolding.
“Together, let’s make sure this new normal is here to stay.”
Notes to editors
More information about Healthy Air Cymru can be found here: For further information and interview requests please email